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Tag: US dollar

Speedy Payday Loans

Speedy Payday Loans: The Main Currencies

The main currencies are the most popular currencies in the international market Forex. They are US dollar, euro, Japanese yen, British pound sterling and Swiss franc. Sometimes, this list is supplemented still with Australian dollar, Canadian dollar and New Zealand dollar. But these three currencies belong to commodity currencies. The main currencies of the market Forex also call “major currency”. For them high rates of traded values on Forex are characteristic. First place is won…

Speedy Payday Loans: The History of Dollar

The US dollar always caused genuine interest in people of all countries as proved as reliable international currency. The word dollar comes from the German word “thaler”, the medieval coin which appeared in Germany in 1519. The name was assigned to large silver coins. Originally the peso which was minted in the American colonies of Spain became the most widespread coin of this type. Peso often called “the Spanish dollar”.