If you are familiar with online payday loans, you are probably aware of how risky it can be to borrow even a small amount when you have urgent financial needs and can’t wait for your paycheck to come in. There is a risk you may miss the payment date, which means you will owe a lot more money to the lender all of a sudden. Now you don’t have to put the financial wellbeing of your family at risk, because you can get an installment loan. An installment loan is better than a regular payday loan because there is no final balloon payment that can keep you from getting out of debt for a long time. In addition, lenders that offer this type of loans report to the largest credit bureaus, which means you can also improve your credit history by timely repaying your debt.
Basically, an installment loan is a simple solution to a cash crunch. Installment payday loans are provided for a period of a few weeks or months with a set number of fixed payments. They represent an easy and safer alternative to payday loans, because you know exactly how much you are going to pay, plus there is the advantage of doing so in small fixed increments. Just like payday loans, installment payday loans are available online. All you need to apply for one is internet access, the rest is quite easy to do and does not take too long.
It’s not easy to find a reliable lender that can offer the exact amount you need, but it’s not impossible. In fact, you will be happy to learn you just found yourself a licensed lender that can offer advantageous loan terms. We have been in this industry for quite a while, which is why, besides our words, you can also rely on the feedback of other people that borrowed from us and successfully resolved their temporary financial troubles. We make sure getting instant payday loans is easy and confidential for everyone, working hard to meet our customers’ needs and make sure every one of them is happy with the rates and service they got. Our requirements are minimal: you have to be at least 18, have a job and be a legal resident. You should also have a bank account we can deposit the money into.
It’s very easy to apply for instant payday loans with us: you decide how much you need and for how long, fill out our application, wait just a bit for us to review your application and make a decision. Once your application is approved (and we do have the highest approval percentage out there), we let you know the full amount your loan will cost you, to make sure there are no shocking discoveries later. If everything is acceptable to you, the money is deposited into your checking account in no time. We value your time and your trust, which is why you can be sure it will go smooth and all the information you provide will be kept confidential. Our application process is easy and super convenient, so you are welcome to apply for a loan with us any time you need.